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How to Start a Business [Free ebook Download), Launch your dream today

how to start a business

Learning how to start a business is the first step towards accomplishing the dream of being your own boss. Being an entrepreneur can be incredibly rewarding and is a worthy goal to aspire to. Before you make the jump to starting your own business you have to consider the following. …

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Best Bosses in Advertising, Meet 6 Legends that Make Legends

best bosses

In this article we honor the best bosses in tech and advertising. Advertising can be a savage industry and is known for its pyramid style model where the people on the top make the most money by working the people at the bottom to the limits of their soul. When …

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How to Buy a Domain Name, Use GoDaddy’s Conversion Tactics Against them to Get it Cheaper

how to buy a domain name

I learned how to buy a domain name and hosting while I was a broke College student. I got pretty good at finding great domain names using keyword research and SEO butI got even better at finding those domain names for cheaper. In this article i’ll show you not only how to …

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Team Building, Hire Ants to Grow Your Brand and Business

hire ants

Teaming building is one of the most important aspects of growing a brand or business. Learning how to find good employees is a craft and something I’ve focused on for a while. I’ve used nature as my guide and found that if you hire Ants your business will flourish. To …

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How To Get A Job In Advertising, 4 Simple Tips

how to get a job in advertising

Are you looking to learn how to get a job in advertising so you can join the ranks of this glorious industry? Then look no further because I’ve put together 4 tips that will help you break into ad land. The advertising industry has always had a reputation for glamour …

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5 SEO Tips to Drive Growth Like You’re Yoda

5 Tips to do SEO Like You're Yoda

This post is about an hour read and should be used as a reference guide for your search strategy. There are a ton of articles about SEO tips. Some of them are really good but I wanted to take a holistic approach to this concept. This is important for businesses …

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Shawn Anchor, On Happiness

shawn anchor on happines

Shawn Anchor a Harvard graduate, Positive Psychologist and CEO at Good Think inc says that that Happiness and Success are really based on perception. In this very funny and insightful TED Talk video Shawn Anchor points out that the old method of viewing success will never make you happy because …

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