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Netflix and Chill Guide, 10 Perfect Drink and Show Pairings

NetFlix and Chill is an essential part of thriving in this #Adlife. If Don Draper were alive today he would be a master of NetFlix and Chilling.  This is a guide to pre and post NetFlix and Chilling where I help you pair great NetFlix shows with beverages, snacks and other stuff. I use the word “drinks” sparingly because I’m basically referring you to great alcohol brands and sometimes mention specific drinks.

What Does NetFlix and Chill Mean?

NetFlix and Chill is a euphemism for pretending you want to hang with bae and watch Netflix but really just wanting to touch specials (have intercourse). Don’t roll your eyes as if everyone in the world knows this.

An Example of using Netflix and Chill Wrong
Here is one brilliant examples of a Church that clearly doesn’t know what NetFlix and Chill means.

netflix and chill church fail

Probability of Touching Specials
Sometimes your plan might be to Netflix and Chill but then either partner may change their mind and you actually need a show to watch. That brings us to this special metric that I’ll be adding to each pairing. This is a percentage between 0% and 100% where 0% means there’s no chance you are getting some and 100% means that you will definitely get some. Some drinks and shows just get you in the mood to touch specials so use this guide to pick the right pairings.

10 Netflix and Chill Pairings

Here are 10 pairings of current Netflix shows (date 6.1.17) with timeless drinks. Check below for the full infographic you can share.


1. Artemis from Stags Leap + Planet Earth

I suggest this fine Artemis paired with the Planet Earth Series watch the full first series and then rejoice because Planet Earth 2 is out.

Probability of Touching Specials: 95%

The Artemis from Stags Leap is full bodied and delicious. It’s basically Beyoncé in a bottle. If you share this with anyone they will probably be willing to touch specials. Plus the Planet Earth series is amazing and soon you and your new bae will be doing it like they do on the Discovery Channel.

Watch it Here



2.White Girl Rose + Drugs Inc Documentaries

Netflix and chill- White Rose and Drugs Inc

Try White Girl Rose from the Fat Jewish paired with Drugs Inc documentaries.

Probably of Touching Specials: 25%
The Drugs inc series is fantastic and can be really inspiring. So the probability of Touching Specials is low. You and your new bae probably will be making a business plan instead of making love.

Watch it Here



3. Cointreau Margarita + A Mind of a Chef

Netflix and Chill- Cointreau and Mind of a Chef

Cointreau is an orange liqueur and is the original triple sec to be used in a margarita. Cointreau is also an incredible ingredient that can be used in many drink recipes. I was recently in their office and did a blind taste test. Trust me you really don’t want to drink that other stuff.

Probably of Touching Specials: 95%
Cointreau is one of the main ingredients in the Cosmopolitan. Cointreau also mixes well with everything. The combination of this and a cooking show will ensure that you will get some.

Watch it Here



4.Canadian Club + Canada Dry Gingerale + All Dress Chips + Hyena Road

Netflix and chill - Canadian Club and Hyena Road
(Don’t substitute the Canada Dry with Segrims or my wife will find you.#LiamNelson)
This pairing is dear to my heart because my wife is from Canada and introduced me to this drink combo. She is from Toronto and fed me the delicious combination of CC and Ginger and put me on to All Dressed Chips. She courted me well. I love war movies and Hyena Road is one of the only war movies that I’ve seen that’s about Canadian Special Forces kicking ass.

Probability of Touching Specials: 100%
We got married off this combo so there you go.

Watch it Here


5. Remy XO + The Get Down

Netflix and chill-Remy xo and the get down
Remy XO is a smooth cognac that Scotch and Whiskey drinkers will love. XO means it’s aged for at least 6 years and will leave you and bae kissing and hugging.
The Get Down is an amazing NetFlix show that is set during the era of the birth of hip hop. It’s a good insight into the 4 elements of Hip-Hop and brings me back to the days when I use to bboy (Break Dance).

Probability of Touching Specials: 97%
It’s a love story that is entertaining, sexual and full of soul. You will most likely be Touching Specials.

Watch it Here



6. Bulleit Bourbon + Stranger Things

Bulleit Bourbon is a delicious bourbon that is rich in flavor and smooth. Stranger Things is a Goonies/E.T like show that is amazing. It is an instant cult classic that is a must watch for sifi fans and anyone who likes coming of age stories where boy meets girl and girl is a mother f#cking super hero.

Probability of Touching Specials: 50%
You have a 50/50 chances of getting lucky on this one. Stranger Things is an amazing show that is full of suspense. It will grip you and slowly pull you in. It is really that good. So you and your significant other will probably forget about getting lucky, binge it and wait for the next season. Touching Specials? What’s that?
Pro Tip: Add some 420 ( if you know what I mean) to this and its life changing.

Watch it Here



7. Beluga Vodka + The Last Kingdom

Netflix and Chill-Beluga vodka and the last kingdom
Beluga Vodka is the best Vodka in the world. Most people have never heard of it but that’s why I’m here . You are welcome. You can drink it neat with out cringing because it’s smooth and refined. The Last Kingdom is an epic movie. It’s about Vikings and how one half Viking half Saxon man has to navigate the Viking and the Saxon world. You thought you had problems, negro please!

Probability of Touching Specials: 50%
If you love shows about Vikings then bae is going to have to wait to get some. If we watched this show together you will basically be ignored because it’s that entertaining.

Watch it Here



8. Mount Gay Rum Punch + Black Mirror

Netflix and chill - Mount Gay Rum and Black Mirror
Rum punch with Mount Gay Rum is basically a vacation in a glass. Black Mirror is an intense and scary look into the abuse of social media and technology. The rum punch will balance the addictive terror that is Black Mirror. Season 4 is coming but you didn’t hear that from me.

Probability of Touching Specials: 0%
You will not be getting lucky on this one. Your night ends with you curled up together in a ball traumatized because Black Mirror is intense. Sort of like the first time I saw Requiem For a Dream. Words can’t describe how amazing  Black Mirror is. You really just have to watch it.

Watch it Here


9. Buffalo Trace + Jessica Jones

Netflix and Chill - Buffalo Trace and Jessica Jones
Buffalo Trace has a special place in my heart. It rich in flavor and works well with a single ice ball. Jessica Jones is a dark but awesome series about a super hero who solves crimes like a detective.

Probability of Touching Specials: 90%
There something dark and sexy about this series. Plus Jessica Jone is always Touching Specials with Luke Cage. This is bound to get you in the mood to tango horizontally.

Watch it Here


10.Patron Añejo + Narcos

Netflix and Chill - Patron and Narcos
Añejo is tequila that has been aged for 2 years or more. You can sip it like whiskey and be good all night long. You won’t even run the risk of whiskey d!ck because tequila is an upper (see what I did there). Narcos is a show about the rise and fall of Pablo Escobar. The show is gangster. Narcos is so good the only way I can describe it is in food terms. Imagine your favorite dish. Now imagine your favorite dish with an egg on top. Boom! That’s Narcos.

Probability of Touching Specials: 85%
Narcos is dope as hell. The show is so good that normally your probably of getting it on would be zero. However Nacros does have subtitles so if you don’t like to read or the Añejo hits you and you can’t read. Creeping on bae is your only option. But please don’t be Bill Cosby.

Watch it Here

Netflix and Chill Infographic

Here is the full infographic for you to save and share. Please share or link to this guide if you found it useful or you know someone who needs this advice.
netflix and chill infographic


About mrchichester

Lavall Chichester is a growth focused digital marketer who has helped brands make millions of dollars on and off line. He made Ad Age’s 2015 40 Under 40 list for turning the search group at Profero into a muti-million dollar business in less than a year. He has 13+ years of developing digital marketing strategies for brands like Apple, Western Union, the NBA, Kaiser Permanente, Vitamin Water and others. Lavall founded where he gives digital advertising advice to help people grow their businesses and careers.

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