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Design Inspiration

How to build an Alexa Skill the easy way using Amazon Blueprints [VIDEO]

Amazon Blueprints Alexa skills

Learning how to build an Alexa skill just got easier. Watch the video and follow along so you can learn how to build a custom Alexa skill to delight your friends and family. Amazon just released Blueprints (not to be confused with Facebook’s learning platform called Blue Print ) which …

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Google AMP stories – Visual story telling has arrived on Google

Google Amp stories

Google just launched the AMP story format to give content publishers a mobile-focused format that is visually compelling and interactive. Searchers on mobile devices will be able to tap on and engage deeper with published content that utilize the new AMP story format. Google’s AMP stories are yet another push …

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How to optimize meta titles and descriptions – plus meta data poetry

how to optimize meta titles and descriptions

Meta titles and descriptions are among the most important ranking factors. They’re the first thing people see on search engines like Google and Bing. You should use meta titles and descriptions to create a great first impression and experience for searchers.  Pizza Hut is ranking well for the term “Pizza” …

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10 Best WordPress Themes Under $65, Way Cheaper than a Tinder Date

Best wordpress themes

Theme Forest has some of the best WordPress themes on the planet. I’ve taken the time to vet their best themes so that you don’t have to waste time digging through them all. If you do click on a link and purchase a theme know that we will get an …

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Monet Paintings, 42 Amazing Works of Art

monet paintings

Monet, born Oscar Claude Monet is the daddy of the French Impressionist movement. I call him the daddy of the movement because when other impressionist painters gaze upon his work, a feeling of inadequacy coasts their hearts as a voice in their head asks “Who’s your daddy?” in a Barry …

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Pablo Picasso Quotes, 20 Inspiring Messages

Pablo Picasso quotes have helped me push forward in times where I am at an inspirational low. We have all been there, you lack creative motivation, you hit writers block, and you just can’t seem to get that flow going. In times like these Pablo Picasso’s words of wisdom have …

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Frida Kahlo Paintings, and 50 Pieces of her Best Works of Art


“Feet, what do I need you for when I have wings to fly?” – Frida Kahlo.   Frida Kahlo Paintings Frida Kahlo is truly one of my favorite painters. Born of Mexican decent in Coyoacán Mexico, (July 6, 1907), I find that her paintings are beautiful. Her style was well known …

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Vincent van Gogh Paintings, 50 of his best works of art


Vincent Van Gogh Paintings I  find Vincent Van Gogh paintings to be truly inspiring. His artwork is extraordinary. I write about a lot of artists because art touches the soul and inspires people to yearn to be better. Art expands your mind taking you to places and perspectives you would …

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Salvador Dali and 35 of His Best Paintings

salvador dali paintings

Salvador Dali and 35 of His Best Paintings   Salvador Dali’s Paintings Salvador Dali and his works are treasured by collectors and art novices alike.Wikipedia defines surrealism as the following: Surrealism is a cultural movement that began in the early 1920s and is best known for the visual artworks and …

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Andy Warhol Paintings and 20 Works of Art

Andy Warhol

Andy Warhol – Prince of Pop Art Andy Warhol Paintings Andy Warhol’s works of art are a source of inspiration for many different products in a variety of industries. Andy Warhol was a successful commercial illustrator turned painter and pop art icon. His paintings are visually stunning and so full of life …

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