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WeWork acquires Conductor – SEO pros like Rand Fishkin chime in

WeWork acquires Conductor

WeWork acquires Conductor WeWork acquires Conductor putting their competitors in a great position to be next. The office space extraordinaires at WeWork announced that they acquired SEO and Content marketing technology startup, Conductor. Conductor is a software platform that allows companies to track keyword and content performance. WeWork is ready …

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How to improve website speed – Google is making page speed a mobile ranking factor

How to improve website speed

Website Page Speed is a Mobile Ranking Factor Learning how to improve website speed is going to be essential for increasing SEO ranking on mobile search. Google announced that in July 2018 website page speed will be an official ranking factor for their mobile search index. Page speed has always been a ranking factor in desk top …

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Learn SEO – Free Beginners Guide [ebook download]

learn seo

Download our SEO Beginners Guide to Learn SEO for free. Learning Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is one of the best things that I’ve done for my career. Learning SEO gives you a competitive advantage as a business owner and marketer. Many people make the mistake of trying to learn how …

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Local Search – 10 Affordable Tips to Boost your Business. Bonus Inside!

local search

What is Local Search? Local search is any web search with the intent to find something in a geographic area like a country, state, city, zip code or street. When searching locally people look for a variety of information like directions to a local store or business, operating hours, reviews, …

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10 Best WordPress Themes Under $65, Way Cheaper than a Tinder Date

Best wordpress themes

Theme Forest has some of the best WordPress themes on the planet. I’ve taken the time to vet their best themes so that you don’t have to waste time digging through them all. If you do click on a link and purchase a theme know that we will get an …

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Structured Data, 5 Mobile Search Features That will Make You Love It

structured data

What is Structured Data? Structured data is a standardized code format that enables search engines to understand the content on your website using micro data. Google uses this code to display search outcomes in the format of rich snippets. Rich snippets are aimed to highlight important details about the content …

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How to Build a Chatbot, Build a Bot Quickly Using Microsoft’s QNA Builder

how to build a chatbot

What is Microsoft’s QNA Chatbot Builder? In this article we will teach you how to build a chatbot using a new bot builder from Microsoft. Microsoft recently launched their Question and Answer (QNA) Bot builder to help people build a chat bots for their websites. Microsoft’s QNA Bot Builder uses …

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Google Search Functions, 9 Killer Search Functions to Help You Search Like a Pro

Google Search Functions

Google search functions are specific commands you can use on Google to get information and enhance your search experiences. Experienced SEOs live and die by advanced search functions and use them to audit sites and get the most out of Google. If you are looking to get the most out …

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25 Voice Search Statistics that marketers need to know

voice search statistics

We gathered these 25 voice search statistics to arm you with the information you need to convince your clients that they should invest in voice search. What is Voice Search? Voice search allows users to search using voice commands on voice enable devices like Amazon Echo’s Alexa, Google Home, Apple’s Siri and …

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How to Buy a Domain Name, Use GoDaddy’s Conversion Tactics Against them to Get it Cheaper

how to buy a domain name

I learned how to buy a domain name and hosting while I was a broke College student. I got pretty good at finding great domain names using keyword research and SEO butI got even better at finding those domain names for cheaper. In this article i’ll show you not only how to …

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