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Ad Life

AdLife, Updates from the Front Lines of Advertising

The Ad Life is not for the faint of heart. You work hard, have long hours and are at the mercy of your clients. Some clients will be amazing, others not so much and a select few will be just intolerable. You will live for pushing the mute button on conference calls to rant about your client and liquid therapy sessions with your fellow soldiers.  You won’t make real money until you climb high enough up the corporate ladder and you have to fill out these damn time sheets from hell. All that being said the advertising industry is one of the best industries to work in. AMC’s Mad Men showed the world how addicting, intriguing and out right outlandish working in advertising can be. The truth is that not much has changed and the advertising industry is thriving. At ADCULTURE we aim to bring you all the glory, hilarity and genius of advertising. You’ll  meet the people who make it all happen, their incredible stories, thought provoking work and wild adventures. Use the hashtag #AdLife to follow our stories, explore the lifestyle and share your own  glorious adventures in advertising.

Nike Launches Pro Hijabs for Female Muslim Athletes

nike pro hijab skater

  Nike announced early this March the launch of its first line of performance hijabs  called Nike Pro Hijab for female Muslim  athletes. Nike becomes the first major sportswear brand to apply its sports performance technology into making hijabs and bring it to Muslim consumer markets. This is a strong …

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Alexa Skills, Learn how to enable and use them

Amazon Echo Skills

What is an Alexa Skill? The era of intelligent personal assistant is here but before we discuss Alexa Skills let me introduce you to Alexa. Alexa is a self-learning Artificial Intelligence (AI) developed by Amazon Lab126.  Alexa is the brain that runs in Amazon Echo which has been hugely popular due to …

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How To Get A Job In Advertising, 4 Simple Tips

how to get a job in advertising

Are you looking to learn how to get a job in advertising so you can join the ranks of this glorious industry? Then look no further because I’ve put together 4 tips that will help you break into ad land. The advertising industry has always had a reputation for glamour …

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Ad MarketPlace’s Annual Beer Games Tournament

Ad Marketing Place-Agency Beer Games

This is a throw back from an adMarketPlace Annual Beer Games Tournament in 2015. This is one of many stories that will give you a glimpse into #adlife. It was a recap of the event I did for fun and figured I should just share it here. My main role …

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8 Life Lessons I learned from my Kittens

life lessons learned from kittens

    I’ve learned some amazing life lessons from my two cats. However I’m a dog person… well at least I thought I was until I adopted my rescue cats. I now realize the mistake in my thinking; you can be both! You can love loyal adorable “mans best friend” and …

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Hachiko, 3 Lessons from the Worlds most Loyal Dog


Hachiko, The Story of a Loyal Dog Hachiko is the worlds most loyal dog. I know you can tell that I like dogs because Tret the Parkour dog is amazing but to be honest he has nothing on Hachiko. Hachiko was a Japanese dog of the Akita breed and was …

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How to Develop Will Power, 2 Simple Tricks

how to develop will power

Learning How to develop will power takes time and commitment. Will Power is a very important part of accomplishing your goals. This is because Will Power is like a muscle, the more you exercise it the stronger it becomes.  Will Power is an important component to having a successful and fulfilling …

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Get Your Awesome Back, Best Resolution Ever

how to get your awesome back

How to Get Your Awesome Back If you’re reading this post you already know you we’re once a bad ass at something and if you’re like me not a day goes by when you think, I’ve got to get my awesome back! Some where some how I lost my awesome. …

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How to Be a Champion, A 6 Step Process to Become Great at Anything

how to be a champion

Learning how to be a champion is not easy. To be a champion you have to create a plan and stick to it and pivot quickly when necessary. However, the road to becoming a champion in anything is filled with hardships, loss and amazing moments of extreme bliss. I have …

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Shawn Anchor, On Happiness

shawn anchor on happines

Shawn Anchor a Harvard graduate, Positive Psychologist and CEO at Good Think inc says that that Happiness and Success are really based on perception. In this very funny and insightful TED Talk video Shawn Anchor points out that the old method of viewing success will never make you happy because …

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