UPDATE: 2.5.17
Fill the Internet with Love Campaign Posts:
These are the posts we have started to publish to combat the hate that is on the internet. Please share and link to this page and those posts so we can Fill the Internet with Love and out rank the hate groups on Google.
Black and White Crime Statistics in America
Thank you so much to every one who has volunteered to help create content that will Fill the Internet with Love. After reading this post if you are interested in volunteering to write or create content to help out rank the hate please contact us here.
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The Challenge:
Carole Cadwalladr from the Guardian wrote an article about how Google and Facebook are being manipulated to push racist, sexist and down right evil false information.
Read the Full Guardian Article:
Google, democracy and the truth about Internet search
If you search for things like:
- Are women evil – one of the top results is yes they are and they all have a bit of prostitute in them
- Are Jews evil – the results say yes they are vermin to be killed
- Are Muslims evil– you get more disturbing results
- Are black people criminals– the results say they
- Is Hitler Evil – Nope he is a good guy and here are 10 reasons why
Those are only five of many terms where a different point of view is needed. Google and Facebook have both actively started to fight against this as well but we need to help. For me this has nothing to do with politics but everything to do with human decency.
Carole’s Call to Action
Carole Cadwalladr then made a call to action asking, “Are Jews evil? How do you want that question answered? This is our internet. Not Google’s. Not Facebook’s. Not rightwing propagandists. And we’re the only ones who can reclaim it.”
We Answered the Call: Our Solution
“Are women evil?” No! Our mothers, wives, sisters and daughters deserve better than this. They deserve love over hate and we will help get our answer ranking for any one who searches for this term and others.
- Keyword Research: We will do keyword research using Google’s Keyword planner and other search engine optimization tools to find and track search terms like “are women evil” so we know what terms we need to rank for and who is ranking for those terms.
- Content Creation: We will then create optimized pieces of content (articles, images and videos) to rank and give a positive message around these topics.
- Ranking Reports: We will publish our Google rankings for these terms along with the positive messages we have written. This way the world can see our progress and how our actions are helping fill the internet with love.
How You Can Help:
Link to the site: If you support this cause and have a website or blog then link to this page. You can write a post about it or simply just give us a link. Links are one of the most important elements of being able to rank on a search engine.
- Share this post: If you support this cause share this post and the site on Twitter, Facebook and other social sites. The more you share the more we can rank and raise awareness for the cause.
About SpreadLove.org
SpreadLove.org is a site dedicated to helping people use technology and social media to heal each other. The site allows you to send an anonymous email of hope and inspiration to someone you know who might need a kind word. We also do other social good projects like building play grounds is Guyana, donating to Kiva.com, donating to people who lost their homes in Hurricane Sandy and feeding the homeless. This aligns perfectly with our beliefs and we can’t sit on the sidelines and not help.
The Story of Spreadlove.org:
I almost died twice and love saved me.
- Chose Love: I got stabbed twice in the back during a fight in high school and at the time retaliating with violence and hate was going to be the next step.
Then a man by the name of John Duda of Camp Friendship Brooklyn took the time to sit me down and used words to help me chose love instead of hate. My life changed after that and I worked hard to develop the skills to create spreadlove.org so that I can help people use technology to heal each other at scale and on a global level.
- A Stranger Dragged me off the Train Tracks: I lost focus on the spreadlove.org mission until I almost died one night going home from work. I was going through a lot of stress at the time and had a panic attack in the subway. I fell head first on to the train tracks on 2nd Ave F Train line in Manhattan. I got knocked unconscious, lacerated my head in two places, fractured my knee, tore my PCL and basically was at the mercy of the next train to arrive at the station. However, a random person walked on to the tracks and risked his own life to pull me up to safety. Once again love and a random act of kindness saved my life.
After this I realized that I had to relaunch Spreadlove.org and continue the mission of using technology and social media to allow people to take action and spread hope and inspiration. We are all in this together and there are really amazing people in the world who help with out looking for anything in return. Love be gets love so we have to fill the internet with it.
Please Help Fill the Internet with Love. If you support this cause please link to this site and share this post. Thanks in advance for your support.
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